Shanti Ammar
Shanti Ammar NYC portfolio
$11.4 million* – walkup 83%, mixed-use 15%; Queens 100%, Manhattan 0%
3812th largest portfolio by dollar value
69,848 sqft – walkup 90%, mixed-use 9%;
2361th largest by SF
5 properties – Queens 100%, Manhattan 0%
1731th largest
78 residential units – Queens 100%, Manhattan 0%
1662th largest by residential units
Person Activity past 24 months:
Developer (new building or major alteration): 3 for 7,868 square feet
Top Ten Associated Companies:
Ilias Theodoropoulos (1), Jerry Papafloratos (1), Vincent J. Parrish (1)
Top Ten Associated People:
Ilias Theodoropoulos (1), Jerry Papafloratos (1), Vincent J. Parrish (1)
Recent activity as company:
• Shanti Ammar filed plans for new building for 3,358 sqft in Brooklyn, on August 31, 2023.
• Shanti Ammar filed plans for new building for 2,460 sqft in Brooklyn, on August 23, 2023.
• Shanti Ammar filed plans for new building for 2,050 sqft in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, on June 30, 2023.
• Ilias Theodoropoulos and Jerry Papafloratos sold 86-21 112th Street and N/A 112th Street, Richmond Hill, Queens for $5.1 million to Shanti Ammar on December 22, 2022.
• Shanti Ammar filed plans for new building for 2,719 sqft in Ozone Park, Queens, on September 19, 2022.
• Vincent J. Parrish sold 94-45 86th Road, Woodhaven, Queens for $4.5 million to Shanti Ammar on June 30, 2020.