Pouya Toobian


Pouya Toobian portfolio

$10.8 million* – walkup 90%, mixed-use 9%; Manhattan 90%, Brooklyn 9%

2551th largest portfolio by dollar value

17,563 sqft – walkup 72%, mixed-use 27%;

4399th largest by SF

4 properties – Manhattan 75%, Brooklyn 25%

1944th largest

30 residential units – Manhattan 80%, Brooklyn 20%

2746th largest by residential units

Person Activity past 24 months:

Buyer signatory: 1 for $6.8 million

Borrower signatory: 1 for $10.6 million

Top Ten Associated People:

Cynthia Miltenberg (1), Howard Balaban (1), Sam I. Elias (1), Andrew T. Miltenberg (1), Ira S. Nesenoff (1), Grace Chiang (1)

Recent activity as company:

Pouya Toobian borrowed $10.6 million from Starwood Mortgage Capital for 235 East 39th Street, 239 East 39th Street, and 241 East 39th Street, Murray Hill, Manhattan on June 05, 2024.

Cynthia Miltenberg, Howard Balaban, Sam I. Elias, Andrew T. Miltenberg and Ira S. Nesenoff sold 235 East 39th Street, 239 East 39th Street, and 241 East 39th Street, Murray Hill, Manhattan for $6.8 million to Pouya Toobian on January 22, 2024.


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*The Portfolio Value is the city’s Market Value, which is typically 50% or less of actual market value.

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