Nahman Lichtenstein


Nahman Lichtenstein portfolio

$8.4 million* – V0 48%, elevator 43%; Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

2937th largest portfolio by dollar value

106,807 sqft – elevator 95%, V0 4%;

1847th largest by SF

3 properties – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

2479th largest

150 residential units – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

1091th largest by residential units

0 foreclosures, 0 bankruptcies, 1 other court case.

Person Activity past 24 months:

Buyer signatory: 2 for $7.5 million

Developer (new building or major alteration): 14.0 for 37,017 square feet

Top Ten Associated Companies:

Alexander Engelman (1), David Lefkowitz (1)

Top Ten Associated People:

Alexander Engelman (1), David Lefkowitz (1)

Recent activity as company:

Nahman Lichtenstein filed plans for new building for 3,617 sqft in Borough Park, Brooklyn, on October 27, 2024.

Nahman Lichtenstein filed plans for new building for 14,331 sqft in Borough Park, Brooklyn, on November 16, 2023.

Nahman Lichtenstein for N Lichtenstein filed plans for new building for 28,783 sqft in Borough Park, Brooklyn, on October 30, 2023.

Nahman Lichtenstein filed plans for new building for 9,792 sqft in Borough Park, Brooklyn, on September 29, 2023.

David Lefkowitz sold 5423 15th Avenue, Borough Park, Brooklyn for $5 million to Shlomo Kozlik, Leiby Landau and Nahman Lichtenstein on September 18, 2023.

Alexander Engelman sold 1065 57th Street, Borough Park, Brooklyn for $2.5 million to Nahman Lichtenstein on September 05, 2023.

Court Records:

To see the 1 case for this person you need a Professional level subscription

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To see the 3 properties for this person you need a Professional level subscription

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*The Portfolio Value is the city’s Market Value, which is typically 50% or less of actual market value.

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