David Harounian
David Harounian NYC portfolio
$16.4 million* – walkup 100%; Manhattan 100%, Bronx 0%
3281th largest portfolio by dollar value
20,916 sqft – walkup 100%;
4122th largest by SF
2 properties – Manhattan 100%, Bronx 0%
3411th largest
45 residential units – Manhattan 100%, Bronx 0%
2262th largest by residential units
Person Activity past 24 months:
Seller signatory: 1 for $9.8 million
Borrower signatory: 1 for $7.5 million
Top Ten Associated Companies:
Mordehy Haber (1), JPMorgan Chase (1)
Top Ten Associated People:
David R. Mashaal (1), Ursula Flores (1)
Recent activity as company:
• David Harounian borrowed $7.5 million from JPMorgan Chase for 134 East 17th Street and 132 East 17th Street, Gramercy, Manhattan on July 31, 2023.
• David Harounian, Bita Sassouni and Hercil Harounian sold 434 East 76th Street and 436 East 76th Street, Lenox Hill, Manhattan for $9.8 million to Mordehy Haber on February 27, 2023.