Avi Lustig
Avi Lustig portfolio
$19.2 million* – N2 88%, C0 11%; Queens 100%, Manhattan 0%
1793th largest portfolio by dollar value
80,160 sqft – N2 94%, C0 5%;
2193th largest by SF
4 properties – Queens 100%, Manhattan 0%
1865th largest
8 residential units – Queens 100%, Manhattan 0%
4297th largest by residential units
Person Activity past 24 months:
Developer (new building or major alteration): 3.0 for 86,645 square feet
Top Ten Associated Companies:
Reuben Seltzer (1), Michael Alon (1), Irwin Adelsberg (1), Locust Point Capital (1)
Top Ten Associated People:
Reuben Seltzer (1), Michael Alon (1), Irwin Adelsberg (1), Molly Saybolt (1)
Recent activity as company:
• Avi Lustig borrowed $44 million from Locust Point Capital for 108-25 Horace Harding Expwy, 108-15 Horace Harding Expwy, 58-08 Waldron Street, and 58-06 Waldron Street, Corona, Queens on October 07, 2022.
• Reuben Seltzer, Michael Alon and Irwin Adelsberg sold 108-25 Horace Harding Expwy and 108-15 Horace Harding Expwy, Corona, Queens for $49.5 million to Avi Lustig on October 04, 2022.