Arthur Koptiev

Platinum Realty Associates


102-10 Metropolitan Avenue, Suite 200 Forest Hills, NY 11735


Platinum Realty Associates portfolio

(NYC’s “Market Value,” 50% or less of actual value)

$112.8 million – retail 66%, mixed-use 27%; Queens 58%, Brooklyn 36%

493th largest portfolio by dollar value

517,360 sqft – retail 68%, mixed-use 23%;

578th largest by SF

86 properties – Queens 56%, Brooklyn 38%

76th largest

53 residential units – Queens 56%, Brooklyn 43%

745th largest by residential units

0 foreclosures, 0 bankruptcies, 2 other court cases.


Platinum Realty Associates sometimes co-invests with Simkho Aranbayev, who uses the same address and suite number. If Aranbayev is a signatory, he is an owner, though Platinum may be a co-investor.

Person Activity past 24 months:

Buyer signatory: 0 for $0

Seller signatory: 1 for $5.7 million

Borrower signatory: 0 for $0

Lender signatory: 0 for $0

Developer (new building or major alteration): 0 for 0 square feet

Top Ten Associated Companies:

Lai Tin Yam (1)

Top Ten Associated People:

Lai Tin Yam (1)

Recent activity as signatory:

Platinum Realty Associates sold 67-05 Fresh Pond Road, Ridgewood, Queens for $5.7 million to Lai Tin Yam on March 30, 2023.

Arthur Koptiev filed plans for major alteration for 6,720 sqft in Flatlands, Brooklyn, on October 31, 2022.