Visabe Corp.

222 West 37th Street, 14th Floor New York, NY 10018


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Visabe Corp. NYC portfolio

$48.6 million* – industrial 67%, walkup 16%; Manhattan 67%, Brooklyn 32%

1856th largest portfolio by dollar value

31,266 sqft – industrial 46%, walkup 30%;

3537th largest by SF

3 properties – Brooklyn 66%, Manhattan 33%

2315th largest

10 residential units – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

4015th largest by residential units

Company Activity past 24 months:

Borrower company: 1 for $24.5 million

Top Ten Associated Companies:

Sugar Hill Capital Partners (1), Israel Discount Bank (1), Urban Spring Capital (1), S3 Capital (1), Patch of Land, Inc. (1)

Top Ten Associated People:

Margaret Grossman (1), Gardner Semet (1), Elena Dokianos (1), Jack Ezra Cattan (1), Joshua Crane (1)

Recent activity as company:

Visabe Corp. and Urban Spring Capital borrowed $24.5 million from S3 Capital for 439 East 77th Street, Lenox Hill, Manhattan on November 13, 2024.

Urban Spring Capital borrowed $5.7 million from Visabe Corp. for 439 East 77th Street, Lenox Hill, Manhattan on January 11, 2023.

Visabe Corp. borrowed $5.7 million from Israel Discount Bank for 16 Monroe Place, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn on June 06, 2022.

Sugar Hill Capital Partners sold 16 Monroe Place, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn for $7.8 million to Visabe Corp. on June 06, 2022.

Visabe Corp. borrowed $6.1 million from Patch of Land, Inc. for 114 6th Avenue, Park Slope, Brooklyn on February 22, 2021.


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*The Portfolio Value is a PincusCo estimate based on a property’s recent sale or loan, or multiplying the city’s Market Value by two.

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