Kingdom Equities
Kingdom Equities portfolio
$12.2 million* – walkup 100%; Queens 100%, Manhattan 0%
2375th largest portfolio by dollar value
108,166 sqft – walkup 100%;
1828th largest by SF
10 properties – Queens 100%, Manhattan 0%
880th largest
182 residential units – Queens 100%, Manhattan 0%
958th largest by residential units
Company Activity past 24 months:
Buyer company: 1 for $9.8 million
Borrower company: 1 for $10.2 million
Top Ten Associated Companies:
Antonio Sulcis (1), Fred Stark (1), Fairbridge Asset Management (1), White Oak Assets (1), Stephen Wolinetz (1), Dime Community Bank (1), Ridgewood Savings Bank (1)
Top Ten Associated People:
Antonio Sulcis (1), Bruce Sontag (1), Stephen Wolinetz (1), Saara J. Pekale (1)
Recent activity as company:
• Kingdom Equities borrowed $10.2 million from Fairbridge Asset Management and White Oak Assets for 39-30 47th Avenue, 39-44 47th Avenue, and 39-38 47th Avenue, Sunnyside, Queens on June 24, 2024.
• Fred Stark sold 39-30 47th Avenue, 39-44 47th Avenue, and 39-38 47th Avenue, Sunnyside, Queens for $9.8 million to Kingdom Equities on June 24, 2024.
• Dominic Casamento and Kingdom Equities borrowed $5.2 million from Ridgewood Savings Bank for 28-41 34th Street and 28-35 34th Street, Astoria, Queens on August 26, 2022.
• Stephen Wolinetz sold 28-41 34th Street and 28-35 34th Street, Astoria, Queens for $8.4 million to Dominic Casamento and Kingdom Equities on August 26, 2022.
• Antonio Sulcis sold 34-27 43rd Street and 34-23 43rd Street, Astoria, Queens for $3.5 million to Kingdom Equities on August 10, 2022.
• Kingdom Equities borrowed $7.8 million from Dime Community Bank for 37-31 Crescent Street and 37-27 Crescent Street, Astoria, Queens on October 04, 2021.
Latest Stories:
• Kingdom Equities pays $9.8M to estate of Fred Stark for three walkups in Sunnyside (June 25, 2024)
• Dominic Casamento pays $8.4M for two walkups in Astoria (August 29, 2022)