Covid landlord-tenant disputes filed Monday: Friedland, ATCO, 34th Street retail
By Adam Pincus Landlords and tenants filed three lawsuits in New York City yesterday over
By Adam Pincus Landlords and tenants filed three lawsuits in New York City yesterday over
Zachary Pintchik through the entity 295 Douglass Street Realty LLC paid Jonathan Stewart’s 295 Douglass
Benjamin Landa, who owns and manages nursing homes, through the entity Forest Hills Estate Associates,
No buyer recorded a traditional commercial deed sale above $2 million last week, highlighting the
By Adam Pincus The number of real property documents recorded in New York City plummeted
Robert Rosenberg through the entity BEH Acquisitions LLC paid Center Development Corporation’s Kingsbridge-Decatur Phase I
The development firm Stagg Group as tenant through the entity 4435 White Plains Road LLC
Florida-based turnaround lender Directed Capital sold a loan secured by a Bronx grocery property with
By Adam Pincus In a lawsuit filed yesterday, Queens investor Gal Sela of the Sela