Courts roundup: $15.5M Brooklyn pre-foreclosure, $5.5M Manhattan pre-foreclosure, Domain rent suit
Valley National Bank files $15.5M pre-foreclosure suits: Lender Valley National Bank yesterday filed two pre-foreclosure
Valley National Bank files $15.5M pre-foreclosure suits: Lender Valley National Bank yesterday filed two pre-foreclosure
Private lender Maverick Real Estate Partners filed three unrelated legal actions Monday against borrowers the
The anonymous buyer of $15.077 million in senior debt secured by a West Village development
Kent Riverview LLC, an entity that includes Mier Isumor Schweid as a member, is seeking
New Jersey-based RBH Group through the entity RBH Queens OZ, LLC as buyer signed a
Andrew Penson’s Argent Ventures through the entity 1609 Broadway LLC paid $17.2 million to the
An affiliate of investor Daryl Hagler through the entity 130 East 39 LLC paid $50
Ouni Mamrout and Meyer Equities through the entity 260 W 36 Property LLC paid $33
Extell Development through the entity 259 Clinton LLC paid $40 million to Starrett Companies through