DHA Capital permitted for Soho demo at site with 10-story commercial office planned
DHA Capital, on June 14, was given a permit for the demolition of a building
DHA Capital, on June 14, was given a permit for the demolition of a building
Luce Popaj, on June 14, was issued a certificate of occupancy for formally completing construction
The Nightingale Group and Wafra, on June 14, filed plans for a $6.8M rehabilitation of
The New York City School Construction Authority, on June 14, filed plans for a $3.3M
By Atticus O’Brien-Pappalardo This report is part of a series of reports looking at development
By Atticus O’Brien-Pappalardo This report is part of a series of reports looking at development
By Atticus O’Brien-Pappalardo This report is part of a series of reports looking at development
By Atticus O’Brien-Pappalardo This report is part of a series of reports looking at development
Enning Xu, on June 11, filed a permit application for construction of a 10-unit, 15,189-square-foot