Leland Rechis

St. George Tower and Grill cooperative

St. George Tower and Grill cooperative portfolio

(NYC’s “Market Value,” 50% or less of actual value)

$78.5 million – D4 100%; Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

666th largest portfolio by dollar value

466,470 sqft – D4 100%;

631th largest by SF

2 properties – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

156th largest

302 residential units – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

508th largest by residential units

Person Activity past 24 months:

Buyer signatory: 0 for $0

Seller signatory: 0 for $0

Borrower signatory: 1 for $20 million

Lender signatory: 0 for $0

Developer (new building or major alteration): 1 for 420,000 square feet

Top Ten Associated Companies:

Apple Bank for Savings (1)

Top Ten Associated People:

Lee Swedowsky (1)

Recent activity as signatory:

St. George Tower and Grill cooperative borrowed $20 million from Apple Bank for Savings for 101-111 Hicks Street, 44 Pineapple Street, 121 Hicks Street, and 41/49 Clark Street, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn on May 11, 2023.

Leland Rechis filed plans for major alteration for 420,000 sqft in Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, on February 10, 2023.

Leland Rechis filed plans for major alteration for 420,000 sqft in Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, on January 13, 2023.

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