MJ Orbach Associates


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MJ Orbach Associates NYC portfolio

$131.2 million* – office 55%, condo 35%; Manhattan 55%, Brooklyn 44%

981th largest portfolio by dollar value

293,404 sqft – office 52%, condo 25%;

903th largest by SF

9 properties – Brooklyn 88%, Manhattan 11%

913th largest

71 residential units – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

1758th largest by residential units

0 foreclosures, 0 bankruptcies, 1 other court case.

Company Activity past 24 months:

Seller company: 1 for $3.7 million

Top Ten Associated Companies:

New York Community Bank (2), Israel Discount Bank (1), Jacky Levy (1)

Top Ten Associated People:

Avi Lieberman (1), Jacky Levy (1)

Recent activity as company:

MJ Orbach Associates sold 701 Brighton Beach Avenue, Brighton Beach, Brooklyn for $3.7 million to Jacky Levy on January 03, 2025.

MJ Orbach Associates borrowed $21.5 million from Israel Discount Bank for 524 Myrtle Avenue, 490 Myrtle Avenue, 490 Myrtle Avenue, 490 Myrtle Avenue, 490 Myrtle Avenue, and others, Clinton Hill, Brooklyn on January 06, 2022.

MJ Orbach Associates borrowed $8.3 million from New York Community Bank for 2935 Ocean Parkway, Brighton Beach, Brooklyn on February 08, 2021.

MJ Orbach Associates borrowed $55 million from New York Community Bank for 260 West 39 Street, Garment District, Manhattan on August 29, 2019.

Court Records:

To see the 1 case for this company you need a Professional level subscription

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To see the 5 properties for this company you need a Professional level subscription

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*The Portfolio Value is a PincusCo estimate based on a property’s recent sale or loan, or multiplying the city’s Market Value by two.

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