Tri-Star Equities


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Tri-Star Equities NYC portfolio

$6.6 million* – mixed-use 100%; Manhattan 100%, Bronx 0%

4708th largest portfolio by dollar value

3,978 sqft – mixed-use 100%;

6615th largest by SF

2 residential units – Manhattan 100%, Bronx 0%

6179th largest by residential units

Top Ten Associated People:

Steven Borenstein (1), Majid Kahen (1), Guy Petrillo (1)

Recent activity as company:

Vornado Realty Trust sold 486 Broadway, Little Italy, Manhattan for $23.5 million to Portfolio4 LLC and Tri-Star Equities on December 27, 2022.

Guy Petrillo sold 181 Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan for $6.6 million to Tri-Star Equities on December 09, 2022.

Tri-Star Equities sold 1026 Third Avenue, Lenox Hill, Manhattan for $9.8 million to Kahen Properties on July 20, 2022.

Tri-Star Equities borrowed $10 million from Investors Bank for 321 West 94th Street, the Upper West Side, Manhattan on May 26, 2021.

Tri-Star Equities sold 227 East 59th Street, Lenox Hill, Manhattan for $17.5 million to Witnick Real Estate Partners on January 29, 2020.


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*The Portfolio Value is a PincusCo estimate based on a property’s recent sale or loan, or multiplying the city’s Market Value by two.

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