Salomon Cojab

(Salomon Cojab Moadeb, Salomon Cojab Jr.)

Visabe Corp.


222 West 37th Street, 14th Floor New York, NY 10018

Five Point RE Services

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Visabe Corp. NYC portfolio

$48.6 million* – industrial 67%, walkup 16%; Manhattan 67%, Brooklyn 32%

1856th largest portfolio by dollar value

31,266 sqft – industrial 46%, walkup 30%;

3537th largest by SF

3 properties – Brooklyn 66%, Manhattan 33%

2315th largest

10 residential units – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

4015th largest by residential units

Person Activity past 24 months:

Buyer signatory: 1 for $12.1 million

Borrower signatory: 2 for $34.2 million

Developer (new building or major alteration): 3 for 33,381 square feet

Top Ten Associated Companies:

Israel Discount Bank (2), Sugar Hill Capital Partners (1), Serabjit Singh Malhotra (1), S3 Capital (1), Mark Adjmi (1), Patch of Land, Inc. (1)

Top Ten Associated People:

Elena Dokianos (2), Margaret Grossman (1), Gardner Semet (1), Serabjit Singh Malhotra (1), Marc Cooper (1), Joshua Crane (1), Mark Adjmi (1)

Recent activity as company:

Visabe Corp. and Urban Spring Capital borrowed $24.5 million from S3 Capital for 439 East 77th Street, Lenox Hill, Manhattan on November 13, 2024.

Salomon Cojab for Salomon Cojan filed plans for new building for 33,381 sqft in Fordham Heights, Bronx, on February 15, 2024.

Salomon Cojab borrowed $9.8 million from Israel Discount Bank for 232 Adelphi Street, Fort Greene, Brooklyn on February 07, 2024.

Serabjit Singh Malhotra sold 232 Adelphi Street, Fort Greene, Brooklyn for $12.1 million to Salomon Cojab on February 07, 2024.

Salomon Cojab sold 171 Calyer Street, Greenpoint, Brooklyn for $12.4 million to Mark Adjmi on June 30, 2022.

Visabe Corp. borrowed $5.7 million from Israel Discount Bank for 16 Monroe Place, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn on June 06, 2022.

Sugar Hill Capital Partners sold 16 Monroe Place, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn for $7.8 million to Visabe Corp. on June 06, 2022.

Visabe Corp. borrowed $6.1 million from Patch of Land, Inc. for 114 6th Avenue, Park Slope, Brooklyn on February 22, 2021.

*The Portfolio Value is a PincusCo estimate based on a property’s recent sale or loan, or multiplying the city’s Market Value by two.

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