Goldy Rabinowitz

Superior Realty Group


1743 47th St Brooklyn, NY 11204

Superior Realty Group portfolio

(NYC’s “Market Value,” 50% or less of actual value)

$5.5 million – mixed-use 71%, C0 28%; Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

3586th largest portfolio by dollar value

8,788 sqft – mixed-use 71%, C0 28%;

5418th largest by SF

2 properties – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

155th largest

8 residential units – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

790th largest by residential units

Top Ten Associated Companies:

Apple Bank for Savings (1), Tremada Properties (1)

Recent activity as signatory:

Goldy Rabinowitz borrowed $7 million from Apple Bank for Savings for 41-43 39th Place, Sunnyside, Queens on February 25, 2022.

Goldy Rabinowitz sold 310 West 99th Street, 310 West 99th Street, 310 West 99th Street, 310 West 99th Street, 310 West 99th Street, and others, the Upper West Side, Manhattan for $7.2 million to Tremada Properties on June 30, 2020.