James Cole
Ohana Real Estate Investors
Ohana Real Estate Investors portfolio
(NYC’s “Market Value,” 50% or less of actual value)
$82 million – condo 83%, hotel 16%; Brooklyn 83%, Manhattan 16%
642th largest portfolio by dollar value
342,497 sqft – condo 87%, hotel 12%;
813th largest by SF
8 properties – Brooklyn 87%, Manhattan 12%
149th largest
64 residential units – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%
734th largest by residential units
Top Ten Associated Companies:
Top Ten Associated People:
David Goldwasser (1)
Recent activity as signatory:
• Cornell Realty Management bankrupt sold 60 Duffield Street, 85 Flatbush Avenue Exte, and 85 Flatbush Avenue Exte, Downtown Brooklyn, Brooklyn for $94 million to Ohana Real Estate Investors on December 14, 2022.